
Sonya Kaminski, MPhil, MSSW, is a doctoral student in the Combined Counseling Psychology and School Psychology program at Florida State University. She is currently part of a research team investigating bullying and other types of childhood traumatic experiences. Her primary research interests include childhood trauma and the potential benefits of animal-assisted therapy for adolescents with trauma histories. Before beginning her PhD, she completed her master’s degree in social work at the University of Tennessee, where she also earned her certificate in Veterinary Social Work. Sonya joined the HAI section in 2018 and is an active member of the students interest committee. After completing her PhD, she plans to become licensed as a psychologist and develop a program partnering adolescents with trauma histories with hard-to-adopt shelter dogs. Through the program, clients would receive counseling and take part in dog training and socialization. She would also like to work in academia, where she can continue to research topics related to the human-animal bond. Sonya has an 11-year-old therapy Dachshund named Mr. Fraggles, who visits with children and adolescents in schools, offering them comfort and support.